“House of Cards,” Gooseberry Pie, January 2024
“We Were Luminous," Ghost Parachute, March 2022
"What We Can Withstand," Heavy Feather Review, Fall 2021
"Good Enough," (reprint) Fractured Lit, May 2020
"Far From Home," Lost Balloon, December 2019
"Grapevine" (in collaboration with Anne Rasmussen), Little Fiction, June 2019
“Cross Your Heart," Jellyfish Review, April 2019
“Baby Birds," Bridge Eight, Issue 7, Spring 2018
"Lost and Found," Proximity Magazine, January 2018
"The Summer of Dieting" and "For A While," Hypertrophic Literary, Winter 2017
"Violations," Ghost Parachute, May 2017 (nominated for a Pushcart)
"Remember That" Split Lip Magazine, April 2017
"Playing House," Monkeybicycle, April 2017 (nominated for a Pushcart)
"Day, Evening, Home, Office" SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 54, December 2016
"Goal Line," We R Family (anthology), Math Paper Press, November 2016
"Us Girls," Outlook Springs, Issue 2, November 2016
"A Lesson To You Girls," SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 53, September 2016
"Welcome to Carl's Rent-to-Own," Third Point Press, Issue 5, August 2016
"Good Enough," Pithead Chapel, Vol. 5, Issue 8, August 2016
"An Informal But Necessary Arrangement," matchbook, August 2016 (nominated for The Best Small Fictions)
"Love Letter," Have Has Had (originally published in Hobart), July 2016
"Make-Believe," SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 52, June 2016
"Real Sports," SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 51, March 2016
"One-Night Stand," Gargoyle, Issue 64, February 2016
"Most Likely To," Kenyon Review, Jan/Feb 2016
"Please Answer Yes or No," Epiphany, Fall 2015
"Mythmaker," Jelly Bucket, No. 6, Fall 2015 (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"Football Season, 1989," decomP magazine, November 2015 (with audio)
"We're So Lucky," Lunch Ticket, Summer/Fall 2015
"Miniature Michael Phelps," Boston Literary Magazine, Summer 2015
"Don't Ever Change," THIS, January 2015
"Phone Calls From Prison," cream city review, Issue 38.2, Fall 2014
"We're All Sinners," Wigleaf, November 2014
"Dear Wigleaf," Wigleaf, November 2014
"Swimming Lessons," WhiskeyPaper, October 2014 (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"Progress Notes," Mojave River Review, Summer 2014
“Ex-Husbands," mojo, Spring 2014
"The Long Way Home," Proximity Magazine, April 2014
"Waterlogged," Corium Magazine, Spring 2014
"Inmate 31349," The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, February 2014
"The Worst Way," One for the Road (anthology), Split Oak Press, 2010
"The Good Ex-Wife," Freight Stories, February 2009
"Switchbacks," Flying Island, Spring/Summer 2008
"Dog Walking," Stirring, November 2003
"A Novel Opportunity: Shasta Grant" by Mary McGinn, Artborne Magazine, May 2017
Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Shasta Grant, SmokeLong Quarterly, December 19, 2016
Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Shasta Grant, SmokeLong Quarterly, September 16, 2016
Guest Reader Interview, SmokeLong Quarterly, July 25, 2016
Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Shasta Grant, SmokeLong Quarterly, June 20, 2016
Paul Lisicky - The Narrow Door (interviewed by Shasta Grant): Late Night Library, May 2016
On Rejection, SWAG Literary Journal, April 2016
Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Shasta Grant, SmokeLong Quarterly, March 2016
Kathy Fish Fellowship 2016: An Interview with Shasta Grant, SmokeLong Quarterly, January 2016
The KR Conversations, Kenyon Review, January 2016
Shasta Grant on "The Long Way Home": a conversation with Proximity Magazine, December 2015
A Conversation with Shasta Grant & Chris Huntington, THIS, March 2015